We haven’t written a blog for a few months, but we have been busy getting on with lots of behind the scenes projects. Thought you’d like to hear a bit about them . . .
Cabinet lighting
Boring though this might seem, good lighting does make a big difference to the shop. We’ve been talking about installing LED lighting for ages and made the most of some friendly helpers holiday time to get started on this. We’ve now got LED lighting in most of our cabinets, so you shouldn’t see us changing bulbs so often (thanks David!)
Drawer tags
We’ve got loads of drawers around the shop that up till now have been filled with cleaning materials and packaging. You’ll be pleased to know that we’ve had a tidy up and they’re now filled with stock. We’ve put labels on them to give you some clues what to look for…there’s nothing like rummaging in somebody else’s drawers!
New Signage windows & boards
Thanks to that clever Richard Parson chap, we’ve now got even lovelier signage. Check out our windows and the splendid blackboards all round the shop….more of them to come too!
Some of you will know that we’ve been talking about selling stuff on e-bay for years. 18 months ago we closed our basement (which didn’t go down well with most of our customers) and decided to give it a go from there. Happily, we’ve now got nearly 12,000 items in our e-bay store, its different stock to stuff already in the shop. We’ve found it gives a nice contrast to the shop. You can browse and buy 24/7.
We’ve tried to give our back room more of a flavour of the basement. Watch this space…. we’ll keep trying!
Stop press….Fairy doors
Finally we were asked by one of the local mums, if we would like to help Rochester become a fairy friendly place! Happy to help, we were one of the first places in Rochester to have a fairly door. Over the summer we’ve had many a visit from small people looking for the doors. Ours will be here until the children go back to school in early September. Then our Fairies will go back to Fairy school too and the door will close for a while!!